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Teen  Spirituality Program

Building authenticity and connection in the first half of life - no nonsense required

Gen Z Spirituality Course

- Get a sense of the broader world of spirituality, the statistics on Gen Z, the trends, and the strength and weaknesses of this generation

- Allows for many spiritual paths so that teens can begin to identify what resonates with them

- All my favorite resources in one place

- Taught by spiritual director and certified secondary education teacher Britt Hartley

What Others Are Saying

"The Video format is so easy to use"

I pulled my teens from church but wanted a way to have good discussions on Sundays. Its so great to just pop a video on and use the discussion questions at the end to check in with each kid and get a sense of their own spirituality.

"Changed my life"

"Beta program user here and its so nice that my kids are able to voice their own individuality. They still attend church for friends but this curriculum balances out things I don't agree with at church

"Perfect for those coming from religion"

"This helped my family have the best discussions because the videos were funny, engaging, and relevant to them in their lives. I've never seen anything like it could not recommend higher!

All the Resources, on Your Own Time

As a certified teacher, my favorite age to teach is teens. As a history, government, or seminary teacher, I was never able to teach the class I wanted to teach - a class on "the good life" - which I was in desperate need of when I was a troubled teen. This curriculum contains the very best of spiritual and mental tools, specifically for Gen Z. It is backed by research and in a format that is engaging for that age group. With so many of the younger generation becoming frustrated or getting bored with high demand religions, I wanted to provide a better offer to all the tools that help construct a meaningful, flourishing life. 

Questions Covered in the Course

What is spirituality? 

Who are wisdom teachers and what were some of their greatest lessons?

Who am I?

How do I experience awe? 

Why live a moral and ethical life?

What is the purpose and meaning of my life?

How do I decrease anxiety and depression in my life?

What can science tell us about happiness?

What spiritual path speaks to me?

What are my beliefs about a higher power?

What are some strengths and weaknesses of my generation?

What is the story of my life?

How do I make sense of all the different religions, what do they believe? What do I believe?

What are my core values and political values?

Be Yourself

Mrs. Hartley was my seminary teacher and it was the only time I looked forward to anything church related. She kept it real and always listened to our questions or issues. It was a place where you could be free to be you.  

Aaron C. - 16 years old

Divine Feminine and Earth Spirituality

"I'm a feminist and Mrs. Hartley helped me find divine feminine and my own path. It was so refreshing to find a spiritual resource that didn't just talk about Heavenly Father."

Asked to be anonymous

Meditations for Anxiety

"I've tried breathing but this meditation course just really clicked for me. I'm getting so much better at controlling my anxiety spirals and being able to watch my thoughts instead of being overwhelmed.

Braylynn A. - 14 years old

Teen Spirituality Program


Unlimited access to all the resources in this course.

A moral and spiritual education for teens with the best resources for parents - no nonsense required!

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